End of School Year in Naples

14.06.2016 22:22


May 31st school final celebration described by class I C 

On May 31st in our school, the Istituto Comprensivo Tito Lucrezio Caro – Berlingieri, there was a great celebration for the end of school year. Its name was Scuola in festa (in English School celebration).
     At 3:30 p.m. students from all classes came to this party. Some of them, who took part in a gardening project, started to sell the plants they grew up.  

One of our two school choirs sang the song Vois Sur Ton Chemin, from the film Les Choristes, whereas the other sang some songs by two famous Italian songwriters, Pino Daniele and Lucio Dalla. Moreover, class I C  students showed the maxi-book Napule è…Piazza Grande.This was so because they joined a twinning with a school from Bologna.

After this, they discussed the projects they joined throughout school year: posters and videos about Naples, bullying problems and a fairy tales collection we wrote.

In addition, two people talked: Anna Baldissara, our Italian teacher, and Salvatore Testa, a retired journalist who cares about SELF (Secondigliano Libro Festival) Project, to promote the importance of reading.


Finally, Mrs Baldissara and Mr Testa announced the winners of the contest Raccontami una fiaba (Tell me a story). On the website www.raccontamiunafiaba.webnode.it the fairy tale who got the highest number of votes was La Principessa ritrovata (The Regained Princess) by Cosimo Pirozzi. The second was Alla ricerca del rubino (Finding a ruby) by Chiara Mistone, the third L’Orca e il Principe (The Ogre and the Prince) by Dalila Masucci and the fourth La canzone dell’allegria (The Cheerfulness Song) by Eleonora Cardone.

But there was also an expert jury, composed by the writer and journalist Vito Faenza, the President of Campania journalist professional body Ottavio Lucarelli, the University teacher and writer Suzana Glavaš, the UNICEF delegate Clara Di Bernardo, doctor Paolo Siani,  Primary Pediatrician at Santobono Hospital in Naples, the students and the teachers of the Istituto Comprensivo Ristori in Naples.

According to this jury, La canzone dell’allegria came first, Il ciondolo dell’arcobaleno by Gabriella Barra, (The Rainbow Code) came second, La magia dell’anello (The Ring Spell) by Benedetta Amato and I cinque anelli del potere e i loro salvatori (The Five Power Rings and Their Saviours) by Giovanna Tartaglia came equal third. Il principino segregato (The Isolated Prince) by Samuele Oreste,  Giada e il semino (Giada and The Little Seed) by Christian Troise, La bambina poverella (The Poor Little Girl Child) by Alessia Napolitano and Il sogno magico (The Magic Dream) by Alessandro Ranno came equal fourth place

The other sixteen fairy tales came equal fifth. The winner of the web contest got a memorial plaque. The fairy tale chosen by the expert jury got a memorial plaque too and a book with the complete tales collection.

But she was also given the autographs and the dedication of some jury members and of some writers who took part in the Sgarrupato (Shabby) Prize. This Prize was organized by the SELF (Secondigliano Libro Festival) Project

Even the Mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris, wanted to put a message on the book cover: he said that reading is very important for the life of all children.

(The article was written by Eleonora Cardone and translated into English by Loredana Corvaglia, a teacher of Tito Lucrezio Caro School).




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