
About the project

We would like to create an online European school newspaper about the interests and cultural traditions of European kids and teenagers aged from 10 to 14.

Thanks to this project we’ll learn how to share and compare the interests (games, hobbies, ideas) and cultural traditions (important holidays, habits and customs) through a section of an online school newspaper. We’ll publish articles, photos, videos, tales, poems and interviews.

Partner schools shall send the works they’d like to publish by e-mail or a sharing e-space. They’ll do this with an “editorial team” formed by a class or by a group of students from different classed who’ll take part in this project. They can do such kind of work every week or whenever they think to know interesting news. 
Each school can videocall another to share what they did.

The final product can be loaded on a public TwinSpace or improve the online newspapers that already exists.
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